Every moment, unique in its own. Life is beautiful.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Guess what!! last week my dad was coming down as you know on the weekend, I sent out a msg to some friends to come out to the pub with me for some bday drinks.... they were all being quiet and not enthused or anything, i thought, ok it's only my birthday...

my dad gets down, acts like he totally forgot it was my birthday the following week, which is totally beleivable for him!! he forgets our names half the time!! plus I hadn't really heard from any of my friends... then dad decided he wanted to go to dinner, i thought my sis, her bf, and mum would be coming too... but no, they didn't want to.... I was feeling rather unloved and deflated by this point!!

I go  to get ready, i get out, dad says he hasnt even showered yet.. then my sis tells me they're are now coming! So i have to wait for her to get ready.... then she has to dry her hair, then she wants to borrow shoes, then her bf needs to straighten his hair.... my sis is still looking for shoes pulling my cupboard apart.... i started getting really, really impatient.....

Then all of a sudden mum calls me out to the house, says she needs my help with something..... we're standing in the lounge room, and i'm like, "what?" then she says, "ok, come out!"

and who comes walking down the hallway and opens the door? my best friend of 20 years, and my friend who was going overseas and i couldn't make her farewell!!!! when she appeared in the hallway, I screamed soooo loud!! jumped  up and down and hugged her for ages!! then i started to cry, and called them all moles!! hahahaha
She had made the three hour drive from sydney just to come down for the night!!! 
Turns out I was having a surprise birthday and ALL my friends knew!!! My sister had organised it!! one by one they all showed up.... it was such a nice night!!

I couldn't believe it! it took me a while to adjust haha, turns out we weren't going out at all! 

Hahaha, we were playing a game called kings....
you have an empty glass in the middle, and a deck of cards face down surrounding it... ppl take turns getting a card, you write the rules on a piece of paper..
Then each number has a rule, you can make these up...
Kings is always "Drink the concoction in the middle glass"
One of the cards has to involve everyone adding their drink to the center glass... such as, "Ace= add your drink to the glass" or one of the cards can be a 'rule card' where you can make up any rule you want I did one that was 'when i say scarecrow everyone has to add their drink, the last one to do it has to scull the drink...... as you can see, i lost my own rule!!!

other ones can be,
thumbs= at any time the person who pulled the card can put their thumb on the table, the last person to do the same has to scull their drink.
Bar bitch= person who gets this has to get everyones drink when they run out.
fingers= you can have a few of these, for card number 2,3 or 4, they have to drink that amount of fingers width of their drink...
rule card= you can make up any rule you like with any consequence you like!
Truth or dare= you can pick someone to do this, if they dont, they scull their drink

be as creative as you like!!

Intoxication is guaranteed!! ;) 



  1. We play a game like this, but we only use Aces and Picture cards, (Jacks, Queens, Kings,) and each one has a certain amount of drink attached to it. The rules are a bit complicated, one drink = Jack, two drinks = Queens, Kings =three drinks, and four drinks =aces. Each person is dealt four cards, so it is a hit and miss affair on who gets what hand.
    Hey, it was your Birthday? It was mine too on the 4th!
    Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day!

  2. Anonymous10 July, 2010

    I love this story. When I was reading the email you sent, I was sad until I read the part that said it was a surprise party! haha. Never heard of this game. The only drinking game I have played is beer pong. And I never drink the beer! haha. Someone always drinks it for me. Beer tastes bitter!
    Have a great day1


  3. Anonymous10 July, 2010

    Ha sounds like fun....
