Every moment, unique in its own. Life is beautiful.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Funny thing about love...

The funny thing about love,

The more we experience it,
the more we guard ourselves from it.
Just in case.

The more we let ourselves be vulnerable,
the more our hearts race in fear and excitement.
The thrill of the risk.

Love, like a double edged sword,
Which end will cut you?

You'll never know for certain.

The more we learn of its power,
we also come to learn the pain of it breaking.
Who would want to go through that over and over again?

Our hearts, like scars,
becoming thicker, guarded by a wall.

Sooner or later,
the pain subsides and we remember the joy.
We miss that feeling,
And the risk is worth it again.

Take that leap of faith!


  1. Anonymous15 June, 2010

    I could never agree more.
    Love is freedom, yet it is enslaving.
    But the best part is, love is love.


  2. I agree with Tywo, but you never know what you have until it is gone. (Big sigh!)
    The best part of Love is being in Love!
