Every moment, unique in its own. Life is beautiful.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The pen is mightier than the sword!

Your ignorance astounds me!

For someone so strong headed and forthright,
You have no respect or appreciation for the power of words!

"Sticks and stones and all that bullshit"
No, it's more than that!

Bones will heal, scars will fade.

But words, oh words,

Look at what they have done in the past,

They have united and divided races,
They have dehumanised and destroyed,
Caused inhumane acts.

They have started wars,
And ended lives!

Be warned,
Words hold more power than any blow!!

You can jab an insult,
You can cross-punch racism,
You can upper-cut a life,
And finish with a degrading head kick
that knocks out a person will to go on.

I'd rather my bones broken,
Than to have my soul degraded.


  1. This was great! Loved every word!

  2. Too true! I am totally behind you on this subject. Sometimes a little bit of my personal life comes through...but I am still a very private person.
    Very interesting subject to bring up!

    Big Hugs!
